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Brought to you by: Jonás Oliver

Jamboree. Plaça Reial, 17 See map Jamboree. Plaça Reial, 17

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The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details

Jonás Oliver saxo, Francisco Guillen bateria, Francisco Garcia baix i, Pablo Costas piano.

Cada Dimarts de mà de la ILT BAND es realitza un concert tribut a diferents referents del jazz, soul, funk, Hip Hop com, Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Chick Corea, Robert Glasper, Amy Winehouse o els Beatles... ILT Band presenta un nou repertori cada setmana incloent-hi si ho requereix algun convidat.

Després del concert tribut s'obre la JAM i la música improvisada pren protagonisme passant pel jazz, Latin, neo soul o funk, on els músics que hi assisteixin estan convidats a participar-hi.

Instagram: ilt.jam

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy, if you have any question please contact directly with the promoter.


Comments (6) 6 Comments

Attended on 17/10/2023 VERIFIED COMMENT
Wonderful experience
Colm Forkin
Attended on 10/10/2023 VERIFIED COMMENT
I thought the singer was an amazing, and what a backing band of top musicians he had! The "Two Franciscos" rhythm section were very generous with allowing all musicians who came with instruments to play. I think the 8 Euro ticket was well worth it!
Thank you very much for your comment, we are really glad you enjoyed it. Looking forward to make more music for you in the future!!
Jonás Oliver
Attended on 10/10/2023 VERIFIED COMMENT
estuvo muy bien
Nos ha gustado mucho, lo unico es que molestaban las charlas detras de la espalda(
Josep Ballestero
Attended on 3/10/2023 VERIFIED COMMENT
Molt bona jam session amb un groove increíble, resulta molt atractiu per als musics tocar amb la banda que la organiza. Gracies!
Gràcies a tu pel suport.
Jonás Oliver
Attended on 3/10/2023 VERIFIED COMMENT
Divertido, emocionante y acogedor. Volvere!
Muchas gracias por tu comentario, esperamos verte pronto.
Jonás Oliver
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