Alex Cuba - Grammy Award Winner
Event s agenda  30

Alex Cuba - Grammy Award Winner

Organizzato da: Red Carpet Productions S.L.

Jamboree 1. Plaça Reial 17 Vedi mappa Jamboree 1. Plaça Reial 17

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Alex Cuba guitarra i veu

Guanyador de 3 Latin Grammys i 1 Grammy.

Un estudi i evolució musical durant anys que es va centrar en la recerca de la simplicitat i l'ànima de la música cubana: desmantellant els complexos arranjaments, barrejant-los amb influències nord-americanes, adoptant la simplicitat melòdica de la música pop, buscant inspiració en les tradicions populars cubanes . Sempre està explorant, sempre creant alguna cosa fresca i nova, i sempre, pel que sembla, fent-ho bé. Autor, compositor i intèrpret Latin-jazz, funk, pop.

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Alex Cuba


Politica di accesso

In questo caso il promotore non ha specificato la politica di accesso ai minori, per qualsiasi dubbio ti invitiamo a contattarlo direttamente.


Opinioni (6) 6 Opinioni

Ha partecipato il 11/10/2024 OPINIONE VERIFICATA
Amazing Energy!
We went to see Alex Cuba as a group, not knowing him beforehand, but we instantly fell in love with his music. What an incredibly talented artist! The energy he brought to the room was fantastic, and his song choices were amazing. We had an absolute blast. Thank you!
Ha partecipato il 11/10/2024 OPINIONE VERIFICATA
Alex Cuba nos dejó con la boca abierta, todo un artista de los pies a la cabeza. Jamboree un lugar emblemático donde la atmósfera que se crea es increíble.
Rafa Pinedo
Ha partecipato il 11/10/2024 OPINIONE VERIFICATA
El sitio muy bonito , agradable y con muy buen ambiente. Alex fue genial, carismático, cercano, y con su natural talento musical y poético armó una noche íntima y divertida. Tremendo! (Lo único que lo habría hecho aún mejor serían asientos más cómodos.)
Eric Leroy
Ha partecipato il 11/10/2024 OPINIONE VERIFICATA
Only it lasted longer. Loved the gig ! Two thumbs up. And loved the venue. Kudos to the team too
Ha partecipato il 11/10/2024 OPINIONE VERIFICATA
Amazing, very intimate and joyful
Very nice crowd in such an intimate setting. Alex was very playful and funny, and his voice and talent are unbeaten. Overall just an amazing concert that made us very happy!
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